
1.  經濟資助 Financial Assistance


資助計劃之目的是為有經濟需要的家庭提供學費減免。資助分為兩種幅度 : 全額及半額。 校方會透過通告及學校網頁通知家長有關資助計劃。 由本校學費減免審批組審核有關申請及有關證明文件,作出評估建議,再由校長批核。


Financial assistance aims at helping family/parents with financial hardships by means of tuition fee remission.  The assistance is provided in two levels, full tuition fee remission and half tuition fee remission.  Parents are informed of the scheme through school circulars and/or the school webpage.  Applications with supporting documents will be assessed by the College Fee Remission and Scholarships Committee.  The Committee will make recommendations for the Principal’s approval.



2.  評估方法及資助幅度 Methods of Assessment and Levels of Assistance


本校是採用現時香港行政特區政府學生資助辦事處的「調整後家庭收入」(AFI) 機制進行入息審查,以評定申請人的資助資格及幅度。調整後家庭收入機制所採用的算式如下:


Our school will adopt the “Adjusted Family Income” (AFI) mechanism, currently used by the Student Financial Assistance Agency, HKSAR, as a means test to assess the eligibility of the applicant’s family for the student-applicant’s fee remission.  The AFI is calculated based on the following formula:



家庭全年總收入 (Gross Annual Income of Family)

調整後家庭收入 (AFI) ==



家庭成員人數 (Number of Family Members) + 1

  注意事項 Notes :

  1. 家庭全年總收入包括申請人及其配偶的全年收入,與申請人家庭同住的未婚子女的全年收入的30%、親友給予的津助 (如適用),以及本校所指明的收入來源。

{Gross Annual Family Income of the Family} includes 100% of the annual income of the applicant and his/her spouse; and 30% of the annual income of any unmarried children residing with the family; and the contribution from relatives / friends if applicable; and from the sources specified by the school.


  b.  家庭成員通常是指申請人、申請人的配偶、與申請人家庭同住的未婚子女,以及由申請人及/或其配偶供養的父母 (有關受供養父母並沒有接受社會綜合綬助金)。

{Family members} refer to the applicant, his/her spouse, unmarried child(ren) of the applicant and his/her spouse residing with the family, the dependent parents of the applicant and his/her spouse (who are not receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance) residing with the family.



  1. 二至三人的單親家庭,公式中除數的 (+1) 將會增加至 (+2)。

In case of single-parent families of 2 to 3 members, the (+1) factor in the denominator of AFI formula will be increased to  (+2).


d.  本校擬撥出總額為直資班學費的25-30%作為學費減免之用 。下表詳列「調整後家庭收入」組別的資助幅度。若有需要,本校隨時檢討有關組別的設定。請注意「調整後家庭收入」並不是家庭每月的平均收入。

The total amount of remission for each year is proposed to be 25-30% of the school fees receivable from DSS classes. The AFI eligibility benchmarks for various levels of assistance (and no assistance) are set out in the table below and will be reviewed when necessary.  Please note that the AFI is not the average monthly income of a family.



AFI Groups between (HK$)


Percentage of Fee Remission

0 – 41,360

100% *

441,361 – 79,976


超過Over  79,976



        *  3人家庭和4人家庭可獲全額資助的「調整後家庭收入」上限分別為50,071元和 46,066元。就2人和3人單親家庭而言,有關家庭會分別視為3人和4人家庭,以決定可獲全額資助的「調整後家庭收入」上限及計算「調整後家庭收入」。

AFI thresholds for full level of assistance for 3-member and 4-member families are $450,071 and $46,066 respectively. For 2-member single-parent families and 3-member single-parent families, they are regarded as 3-member families and 4-member families respectively for determining the AFI thresholds for full level of assistance and calculation of AFI.


e.  假若任何一組別符合資格的申請人超出校方為該組別設定的配額,校方將根據每一位申請人的「調整後家庭收入」,依次序排列,收入較高者將獲分配下一個組別的學費減免額。

If the number of eligible applicants for a particular level of remission exceeds the number of awards available, the applicants will be ranked according to the AFI, and the higher AFI ones will be granted the immediate lower level of remission.


  f.  假若符合減免資格家庭有多個一名子女就讀佛教筏可紀念中學的直資班,則第二名及其後的子女的學費減免百分比,將增加百分之五十(最高可達百分之一百)。

For those eligible families having more than one child attending DSS classes of Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College, the percentage of fee remission for the additional child (or children) set out above would be increased by 50% (limited to a maximum of 100%).



3.  申請程序 Application Procedures


  1. 申請表可向佛教筏可紀念中學校務處索取或在本校網頁下載。

Application forms can be obtained from the Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College General Office or downloaded from the School Website.


  1. 申請表必須由學生家長或監護人填寫。填妥的表格須連同所需文件一併交回本校校務處。

Application must be made by a student’s parent or legal guardian.  The completed application form and the required documents are to be forwarded to the School General Office.


c.  申請表格資料未填妥,其申請將不獲考慮。

    Incomplete application will not be considered.


d.  校方有可能就個別申請作深入審查(如家訪),以確認申請資料。

    The school may conduct an investigation, including home visits, for authentication of the application data.


  1. 已被審批的減免學費額只限於該學年。每年的學費減免額會隨申請人最新的家庭總收入及家庭狀況作出調整。

Approved fee remission is valid for the current academic year only.  The level of fee remission may be adjusted according to the applicant’s latest income and family circumstances.


f.   已呈交之所有文件,恕不退還。

    All the submitted application forms and documents are not returnable.


g.  經處理過的申請資料將由校方保留以供未來行政之用,保存的資料會予以保密,並只限校方閱覽。

After processing the application, the data will be retained for future administrative use.  The data will be kept confidential and is only accessible to the school.


h.  申請人有權向校方要求取閱或更正資料,而有關要求必須以書面形式向校長提出。

The applicant has the right to obtain access to and request correction of any personal information of himself / herself from the school.  Requests for such access should be made in writing to the Principal.


  i.    本校保留隨時檢討有關規例和方針的權利。

   The above rules and policies will be reviewed from time to time.



4.  申請期限 Period of Application 


a.   本校會於每學年的五月十五日以後不接受減免學費的申請。

      We will not accept any application after 15th May of each academic year.


b.  減免學費生效日期只由交齊所需文件的月份起計。 

      The fee remission scheme will only be effective from the month of submitting the completed form with fully supporting documents.


  1. 本校會於申請者遞表日起計兩個月內發出審批結果通知。

Application result will be sent to the applicant within two months effective from the date of submission



5.  呈交文件 Documents to be Submitted




Documentary evidence in respect of the earned income and assets of every member of the family must be submitted with the application form. (Please refer to the Appendix.)



6.  審批結果通知 Notification of Result




The School will inform the applicant in writing of the result of his / her application after it has been approved by the FRSC.  Notification of the result will be mailed to the applicant’s correspondence address provided in the application form.



7.  查詢 Enquiry 



If there is any enquiry, please contact Ms. Tsui Wai Yee (Vice-Principal) of the school at 29855365.


減免學費申請表 Application for Fee Remission
