Fee Remission Calculator 學費減免計算器

This fee remission calculator can help you to estimate your eligibility for fee remission in 2021-2022.  The results are for your reference only.
此學費減免計算器可評估您於 2022-2023 年度的學費減免資格。結果僅供參考。

Annual income of the family (from April 2020 to March 2021) 家庭全年總收入 (2020年4月至2021年3月)

申請人及配偶全年 The annual income of the applicant and his/her spouse

(Including the salary for full-time, part time, or temporary job inclusive of Provident Fund or Mandatory Provident Fund contribution

與申請人同住的未婚子女的全年收入的30% (2020年4月至2021年3月)

30% of the annual income of any unmarried chilren residing with the family (April 2018 to March 2019)

(Including the salary for full-time, part time, or temporary job inclusive of Provident Fund or Mandatory Provident Fund contribution

雙薪/假期工資 Double pay/ Leave pay/ Pay in-lieu of annual leave
津貼 (包括 房屋/旅遊/膳食/教育/輪班津貼等) Allowance (including housing/ travel/ meals/ education/ shift allowance etc)
花紅/佣金/小賬 Bonus/ Commission Tips
因被撤職而領取的代通知金Wages in lieu of notice of dismissal
經商/投資利潤 Profit from business/ investment
租金收入 Rental income net of related mortgage interest payment
每月領取的退休金/孤兒寡婦金或恩恤金 Monthly pension/ Widow's & Children's Compensation
親友給予的津助 Contribution from relatives/ friends
贍養費 Alimony
綜合社會保障援助金 Comprehensive Social security assistance
Family situations 家庭狀況
家庭成員人數 Number of Family Members
家庭狀況 Family status (Y/N)
就讀本校子女人數 Children enrolling at school